Location & Lodging
Why not come for a weekend?
FairBridge Inn & Suites (5.7 mi.)
The Marshall RC Park is
located 4 miles East and
1 mile South of Thorp,
Take Interstate 94 East or
West to exit #52, State
Highway 29.
Follow State Highway 29
East toward Wausau.
After the Thorp exit, the
fourth mile road will be
Fisher Ave. Turn RIGHT.
Marshall RC Park is 1 mi.
down on your right hand
For a more detailed map
or for driving directions
from your home, click
Nearby Lodging
Marshall RC Park, LLC N14347 Fisher Ave. Thorp, WI 54771 MAP IT!
Ladies! You are very welcome to come and enjoy our facilities...but if R/C isn't your thing, please check out Bolts of Fun Quilt Shop in downtown Thorp! Get a preview at: http://boltsoffun.com/